Have fun, be respectful.
- Conduct yourself as you would in a friendly, civil, adult environment.
The Alliance chat is for casual and helpful conversation.
- Arguments and trolling must be taken to a private chat. Be helpful in the Alliance chat, not disruptive. Any non-Warframe related topic should be limited to around 10 mins.
No random invites.
- Explain what kind of help you need instead.
No Asking for Free Items/Plat.
- Offer a trade (WTB or WTTF) for items in the Alliance Chat ONLY. (If you want to hold a giveaway, make sure you have players reply in PM's.)
Trading in Alliance Chat
- Post your trade only once per 30 mins in the Alliance Chat.
(Buying/Selling Coupons is against Terms of Service by DE and will be removed instantly from Alliance Chat for your safety! If you want to give a coupon to a player within our Alliance, you must only trade the EXACT AMOUNT OF PLAT it took to gift that item or DE could ban you for 2 week. THIS HAS HAPPENED so please only trade your coupons for the exact amount of plat.)
The Alliance Chat is English Speaking Only
English is the common language in our Alliance Chat, please use it when talking ingame.
There are many types of scams, such as:
• tricking a player into giving them items/plat for a coupon
• tricking a player into letting them borrow an item/plat
• tricking a player into giving them free items/plat using multiple trades and telling the player that they will give them the full amount of plat on the last trade
• knowingly overpricing an item for a huge personal gain
• knowingly ripping a player off or underpaying for an item and trying to resell it in the alliance
• using our Alliance's kindness (free or discounted items given to them by EGT Alliance members) to flip that item in trade chat or elsewhere for a profit
Attacking or Being offensive towards a player because of their age, disability, ethnicity, race, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, affiliation, or religion can be perceived as discriminatory.
Attacking or Being offensive towards a player because of something they agree with or have fun playing with can be perceived as bigotry.
Our chat mods are trained to keep the chat flowing with helpful, Warframe oriented conversation. The Alliance chat should flow with casual conversation and the players should not have to deal with unnecessary disruptions that bury the chat.
Disruptive behavior is anything meant to purposefully interrupt conversation in the Alliance chat.
Some examples of disruptive behavior are:
• attention-seeking (reeee!)
• purposefully annoying/aggravating
• clearly offensive content (boomer, zoomer, snowflake)
• repetitive nonsense, garbage responses
• typing in a mocking way (TyPiNg LiKe ThIs)
• unruly
• insensitive/inconsiderate
• toxic behavior
• purposefully giving false info
• disregarding chat mod attempts to refocus the chat back to a helpful environment
• hinting/teaching players how to exploit the game
• excessive comments with ~6 or more posts in quick succession
• spoilers that ruin main quest storylines (Natah, The Second Dream, The War Within, Apostasy Prologue, The Sacrifice, Chimera Prologue, Erra)
• repeatedly posting random zaw/amp names, random look/song links, mod configs, rivens, and memes (about ~4 random posts in succession)
• continuously posting links after a request to stop flooding the chat with links
• posting inappropriate weapon names, puns, and song links
• baiting players into breaking the rules of the chat (can I get an F / rip in chat)
• toxic conversations should be moved back to Warframe related asap
• anything DE removes players for, example: nezha is a trap, calling things gay, putting repeated F's in chat
Instantly Kickable Trigger Words: Boomer, Zoomer, Karen, Snowflake, Retard, Trap, Reeee, The N Word (a and er), Mod Abuse, Abuse of Power, TyPiNg LiKe ThIs, KYS, KMS
Spam clogs our Alliance chat with unnecessary emotional outbursts that are an eyesore to most adults. Make sure you are part of the conversation and allowing other players to respond.
Spam is defined by our Alliance as the following:
Spam - 6 or more repeated characters in words within sentences
Any derogatory statement towards a persons sex, whether real or fictional. Insulting a fictional character for their sex also insults those that share the same sex.
Personal attacks towards other players including insulting, derogatory, belittling, and trolling put-downs. Keep Alliance chat flowing with positive, helpful discussion. Belittling players will get you removed from our Alliance.
Instantly Kickable Only If Used Derogatorily/Targeting: Simp, Gay, Noob, Cancer, Aids, (using diseases to describe negative circumstances)
Derogatory statements regarding religion / politics or lack thereof.
The Alliance Officers' job is to keep the Alliance chat free of disruptive behavior with continuously flowing helpful, casual conversation. When the chat is disrupted by a player with their own agenda, related to Warframe content or not, meant to gain attention in the Alliance Chat, our chat mods may remove them to keep the chat flowing.
Harassing any of our officers will result in being removed from chat immediately. They do not have the time to deal with disruptive behavior and babysit the alliance chat.
Helpful, civil debates in the community are acceptable, but when it incites rioting, trolling, or arguing, it needs to be taken to private messages.
Sexual Content: Any depictions of sexual acts or sexualizing phrases, body parts or objects.
(Thick, sexy and hot are all ok, as long as they aren't used to sexualize body parts.)
Violent Scenarios: Graphic depictions of in real life violence.
Post your trade once per 30 mins. 1 full post of trades is allowed, but do not continue your trade into 2 or more posts.
Flipping is purchasing an item with the intent to resell that exact item at a higher price.
• Flipping from trade chat to our Alliance is not allowed.
• Flipping from our Alliance to trade chat is not allowed.
Trading in our Alliance is for helping each other out, not to make a profit off of each other. Our community is based on a family type environment and as a family we try to help each other out as much as we can.
Please do not ask for free stuff in Alliance chat.
Please remember to offer to buy or trade when requesting items.
The words "give, for free, spare, extra, borrow, or gift" all imply asking for free items.
(If you want to hold a giveaway, have players reply in PM's.)
Conversations that are non-Warframe related such as, random topics, should last no more than about ~10 mins before reverting back to Warframe related topics.
Remember, the Alliance Chat is for Helpful, Warframe related conversations.
Check out our Discord for Off Topic Banter and more fun channels:
If a player is being disruptive on purpose in the Alliance chat or continues to be a nuisance to other players, that player could be kicked without a warning.
Copyright © 2021 EGT Alliance - All Rights Reserved.
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